Battling Illness and Academic Struggles
We all know how great it is to skip a school day; being able to lie around and not having
Read moreWe all know how great it is to skip a school day; being able to lie around and not having
Read moreAs fall approaches, Juabs girls’ basketball season begins. With the constant drama and action on the court, it is constantly said
Read moreIf the girls are too boring to watch, buckle your seat belts and get ready to cheer for Boys Volleyball!
Read moreOn August 29th, the Juab Girls Tennis Team traveled to face off against Richfield. At the beginning of the matches,
Read moreNew married teaching couple bursts into Juab High School… You may have seen some new faces at Juab high this
Read moreEvery horror movie has the same. There is a pretty girl doing something and the killer watching her. Then she
Read moreIt’s now a new year and everyone is doing their new year resolutions. I challenge you to try something new
Read moreI know growing up can be scary and when you think about your future you really don’t have anything to
Read moreWhen you really think about it Santa is a little creepy. He watches you when you’re sleeping, he knows when
Read moreContributing author: Rebecca Marchant In the halls of Juab High School you might have noticed that there is music playing
Read moreMany people wonder if students listening to music is a distraction or helps get homework done. Music is very important
Read moreThe season is changing yet again, the leaves turning brown and falling off the branches, school bells ring throughout the
Read moreYou might think there aren’t that many differences between public and charter schools but I know from personal experience there
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