Don’t Be Lame; Buy a Yearbook!

As the year is nearing to a close, a lot of organizations within the Juab School Districts are wrapping up large projects. The yearbook staff, in particular, recently just submitted the last pages for their final deadline. If you have yet to buy a yearbook, please, consider it!

If you have seen the yearbook staff wandering about with cameras or the notes app in hand, you would know how much behind-the-scenes work happens in order for the book to be completed. Wouldn’t you like to see the candid photos we managed to snap, and wouldn’t you like to be remembered in ink for years beyond? Your grandkids could see your prom dress, or the way you flexed for a track photo.

If buying a yearbook (and being cool) is your fancy, head down to Missy in the finance office and offer her 60 dollars to pay for it. Once the date is finalized, there will be a yearbook party to which you receive your awesome book and have your friends sign away on it! 

Please, consider memorializing this year and getting a book with you and all your friends in it. And who knows, it might be pretty slay!