Art Students on a Roll

Details About the Art Field Trip

On March 19th, students in the art club or, any general art class, were invited to go on a field trip to the BYU Museum and the Springville Art Museum. Students got to have a tour of both buildings and all the amazing things that both historic and student artists made. BYU had much history to be shown as well as stories behind each piece. Between the tour and looking around with fellow students, they also got a chance to make similar pieces to the ones presented. Stamps were carved and inked onto paper, similar to the historic pieces on tour. 

The BYU Museum had much to show in its enormous collection. The Springville Museum also has much history to present, as it is the oldest museum in Utah. Along with their collection, you can now also find the largest Russian collection of art. Students got to share their thoughts on the pieces, along with their individual ideas about why the artists did what they did. While exploring and touring, students were able to explore different mediums and styles for future projects they may want to try. 

The field trip was a good time to help art-loving students have a moment of inspiration and learn about different types of styles and historical pieces. From German and Russian to African pieces that inspired many other cultures, many pieces were found and sparked ideas for the students. Students from surrounding high schools and colleges had their art shown and discussed by the present students at the Springville Museum. If you’re interested in the art club, talk to Enoch Dye or Mrs. Henry in the art room. They are constantly looking for new members and more ideas for club meetings. Talk to them today and join the bright adventures.