Elf On The Shelf is Back!

Today’s Clue: lunchroom- yum, yum, yum, lunch is fun! Can you find me before I run?

Starting Thursday, December 7th through December 19th, The JHS Clarion will hold the annual Elf On the Shelf! If you missed it the last 2 years, here is how it works! The staff on The Clarion will hide a picture of an elf around the school. We will post a new clue every morning. The elf will not be in any classrooms, only common areas. When you find it, leave it there! Take a selfie with it then show it to Mrs. Blankenagle in the counseling office. She will give you a ticket to write your name, grade, and a small prize. You may have one entry per day! On the 19th we will do a raffle with all the tickets, and the winner will be announced. A grand prize will be given to the winner! Good luck and happy hunting!