Starting a Band

[Image: Limp Bizkit]

If you’ve been going through Juab’s Student Life, maybe go after school to the music room, or enjoy listening to music in general, you’ve probably picked up on a lot of band talk recently, be it a rock band, events going on in orchestra, or likewise. I can speak for certainty on the Clarion, because I’ve helped contribute to the music finding a place in Student Life in the form of articles about bands. These bands aren’t necessarily related through the fact that they make rock music, but that they’re all bands, something that I feel that should be more elaborated on.

Do you know music? If you do, ask yourself the question “what is a band”. Some would say a four piece that has all of its members playing an instrument. Others say two people on guitar and drums, both of which are entirely valid. A band, in the simplest way possible, is a group of people playing music together. This definition spans genres and decades, but absolutely does not cross into the definition of what an ensemble is, which is kinda similar but a totally different thing. 

How do these bands start? To quote one of the most famous musicians, Dave Grohl, “… You just need three chords and a big heart, y’know. You just need to express yourself in the most simple form, y’know?.” [1] Essentially, a band starts once a group of people start playing together, even if it’s not well structured or has no lyrics. They’re expressing themselves however they see fit which is the backbone and spirit of music as a whole. You don’t have to be Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, or Van Halen to be a guitarist in a band, just do whatever you feel is appropriate for yourself. 

Can you, the reader, be in a band? You absolutely could if you wanted to. A man named Brandon Flowers from Nephi did it and he’s worth about $25 million because of it. Anyone can be in a band, even people who don’t know how to play an instrument. The only thing a band really needs is practice towards whatever music they will make and a clear identity on who they are. 

1: It is restricted on School iPads