Juab Drama Presents Mamma Mia!
Coming on November 16th, 17th, 18th, and 20th are the performance dates for this year’s musical, Mamma Mia, put on by Mr. Palmer. The musical will be held in the Junior High Auditorium. Mamma Mia is about a girl named Sophie, and her mother, Donna who live in Greece and are faced with financial, emotional, and relationship issues. Sophie is on the search for her biological dad as she is getting married, but doesn’t tell her mom about her endeavors. It is a heartfelt musical about the loving relationship between mother and daughter, yet it is comedic and amusing to the audience because of the many people in their lives.
Auditions were held in September. Since then, the cast mates have been working hard, learning lines, singing songs, and dancing to Mamma Mia. Although the work is exhausting, with rehearsals nearly every night, the cast enjoy it because they get to be together, and do what they love, which is anything to do with drama and expression.
Our very own Mr. and Mrs.Palmer are single-handedly carrying the speech and drama department with their outstanding creativity and extraordinary leadership. Mamma Mia has an incredible amount of ensemble singing, meaning that everyone sings in almost every song; therefore, Mr. Palmer has been teaching extra hard to make sure the sound is beautiful and clear to create togetherness within the ensemble.
Now, to introduce the cast list! Leah as Sophie, Pressley Hair as Ali, Emmy Fenchner as Lisa, Hannah Echols as Donna, Maddy Carle as Tanya, Averee Hatfield as Rosie, Tyler Stoker as Sky, Nathan Bonzo as Pepper, Carter Crum as Eddie, Henry Everett as Harry, Sebastian Padilla as Sam, and Jacob David as Father Alexandrios, and many others in the ensemble.
Congratulations to our talented cast! Make sure to show up and support them this coming November!