Convivial Juab Parade Becomes Riveting

          After a fascinating week (9/26/22 – 9/30/22) dressing up in style, the students of Juab High School came to a close with a big parade that stretched from Nebo Elementary, to the Wasp Way parking lot, extending to about 1 mile.

          Students from different classes in Juab High were able to ride on their floats to represent them, such as Choir, Band, etc. You could even see some students to represent their grade, along with other businesses or careers, like the blaring of a fire or police car.

          One of the students who watched the parade said, “I just like the effort and creativity that was put into each one of the floats.” Some other students and teachers would agree with this student’s exclamation. 

          Though we didn’t get candy or treats thrown at us for safety reasons, we can still admire the amount of effort that was put into this astounding, enthralling, and breath-taking event.