Juab High Volleyball Still Warming Up Homecoming Week

This volleyball season had its ups and downs for the Juab High School teams. Homecoming week was busy for them with two games only a day apart. The first against Manti and the second against Union.  

       Manti templars tripped up our lady wasps on Tuesday, Sept 27. Juab didn’t go down without a fight though. All of the players made a valiant effort to win. Juab’s student pit was capped with beanies for the student’s dress up. Some students brought skateboards with them.

        Juab fell behind during the neck to neck game against Union Thursday, September 29th. The two teams were evenly matched, each winning 2 matches before Union pulled ahead during the last game. Along with our lady wasps, the pit was adored with pink that day. Other students came in orange for the student dress up. Everyone in the stands helped bump up the game’s energy. 

        The juab student pit has been great. Please continue to support Juab’s volleyball teams as they prepare themselves for victory to come. Bring your school spirit and watch out for class competitions tickets on your way in.