The Perfect Iconic Teaching Duo at Juab High School
New married teaching couple bursts into Juab High School…
You may have seen some new faces at Juab high this year. Two of these new faces happen to be married and also your teachers this year. Meet Mr. and Mrs. Palmer.
I asked them a series of questions to which they answered with amazing responses. Mrs. Palmer’s answer to the question, “Why did you decide to teach at Juab High?” She said, “It’s a really funny story. I was watching an episode of Parks and Recreation, and the main character spoke about getting a job in her hometown. She said something along the lines of, “there will be a thousand job offers, but you only have one home town.” The next day I saw a job opening in my town at none other than Juab High School and the rest is history.” When I asked Mr. Palmer the same question, he had the same exact answer.
Mr. Palmer said that he is most excited about making art and getting students excited to make art this year. His teaching skills this year are encouraging students to take risks and ownership of their learning. Mrs. Palmer said she’s excited to make connections with students this year and her teaching skills this year are teacher clarity.
Lastly, I asked both of them if they have any advice for the students this year and these were the answers, “Be yourself. Do what makes you happy.” and “Make mistakes! It takes 1,000,000 mistakes to become an expert at something”. They were kind enough to give me some personal information about them so I could share it with you guys.