JUMP Youth Coalition

Suicide is one of the most pressing and serious issues affecting youth and others today. It’s something that many are trying to help with, and something that more people than we know struggle with. Here in Nephi, Utah, there is a group doing everything they can to prevent it and uplift others. They are called the J.U.M.P. youth coalition. 

       Suicide and self harm not only affects the person suffering from it, but it affects their close friends and family. Oftentimes it affects the entire community. Teenagers who struggle with things like depression and anxiety don’t know how they’ll hurt others with their actions, but this is why groups such as the J.U.M.P. coalition exists.

       The Coalition’s acronym stands for “Juab Unites Motivating Prevention”. It’s goal, or rather, mission is, “Uniting our community by motivating our youth to build strong, healthy foundations that will empower them through education, resources and by raising awareness to prevent harmful behaviors.” They also hope for, “A healthy community with healthy families engaged in positive relationships, free of substance abuse.”

       It’s a comfort to know that there is a part of the community, or rather, a coalition, that is looking out for the youth of Juab, and that cares about us and how we treat ourselves and others.