Top Five Things to Do to Prepare for a Disney Trip
Going to Disneyland or Disney World will always be fun, especially for the whole family. My family and I are planning on going to Disney World pretty soon. Here are the top five things that we do as a family to prepare for a Disney trip:
1. Make a Count Down.
Making a count down is the first thing to do. In my family we usually pick a different Disney character and we each make paper chains with their color scheme, adding ears, hats, or faces. Everyday we tear one of the paper chains off to the point where the is only one more and then we leave.
2. Buy Disney gear.
There are so many cool Disney clothes out there, and to get pumped up for the trip you would obviously need some awesome Disney bling. Some of these cool outfits can match with the rest of your family’s, or it can just be whatever you want to wear. Although, I would highly recommend matching with your family.
3. Save a little money for souvenirs.
Souvenirs from Disneyland or Disney World are all great. The most common and highly recommended souvenir is definitely the Mickey and Minnie ears. There are some other cool souvenirs like Indiana Jones whip, ginormous stuffed Disney characters, and trading pins and badges. Get some souvenirs that you will constantly use. I got a flat-brimmed Mickey Mouse hat and I wear it just about everywhere.
4. Watch Tons of Disney Movies
Every time we go to Disneyland, my family prepares an epic Disney movie marathon. Disney movie marathons can be fun because everyone can sit down and watch some Disney movies in the comfort of their home. Rewatching movies that bring back your childhood or movies that you still watch today will surely put you in the Disney mood.
5. Disney Trivia and Games.
Disney board games are always fun and will involve even the younger kids in games like Pictopia and Apples to Apples: Disney Edition. These games are very fun, but you can always get creative and make your own game or something like a scavenger hunt. This is how we celebrated my brother’s birthday.