Juniors Fill In at Senior Ball

Worldwide pandemics are no match for tradition. And yet, holding a dance in 2020 is not without its consequences. As part of a statewide mandate all participants in winter sports and activities had to be tested for COVID. In a classic case of just the absolute worst timing, these tests were held at Juab the week of the long-awaited Senior Ball. Mrs. Wright in the office explained that 4 kids tested positive and 65 kids were quarantined as a result.

This created a problem for the Ball. A lot of dates were quarantined and a lot of girls needed new dance partners. The administration turned to the juniors for help and they stepped up. In total ten junior boys showed up to the last couple of practices and nine escorted senior girls on Saturday night. Pictured above from left to right: Eli Atkinson, Jonah Settle, Jared Bradley, Isaac Arns, Porter Bowles, Justin Christensen, and Kaleb Bunker. Not pictured: Slade Blackburn and Colter Buck. Jalal Khan also showed up to the practices to help, but because of quarantines and partner shuffling was no longer required. These boys each escorted a senior girl in the promenade and danced with them in the floor show.

The class of 2021 had already missed out on their Junior Prom last year, so it was a big deal for them to be able to hold this last hurrah for their Senior year. A lot of Seniors would have missed out again without these Junior boys. Even though they may not be Ballet West, especially with only one or two practices under their belt, they stepped up and allowed these girls to have their Senior Ball.