Parking Passes: Everything You Need To Know

At the beginning of this school year, we were introduced to the new parking passes that are now required to be able to use the parking lots here at the school. So far it seems there’s almost no change to the parking problem that we face, but according to Mr Jones, the passes are going to be able to make a big difference at school. 

For starters, the passes will help to identify vehicles that don’t belong at the school and to identify student vehicles–so they know who’s supposed to be here and who isn’t. Also, it will help to enforce rules on students who don’t follow the rule, like parking in the crosswalks or double parking. If there is an accident at the school, the vehicles can be easily identified by their parking pass number. 

Luckily for all of us, it’s pretty easy to get a pass since they are free to students. The only real requirement is that you have to be approved by the office after filling out a paper with your vehicle’s information. With the passes, there are also some serious consequences; so be sure to not park in the fire lane, designated handicap spaces, bus lanes, and any other parking not meant for students. The consequences include:

1st offense: Written warning – parking privileges revoked. *Parking reinstated with signed warning by student and parent. 

2nd offense: Parking Violation fee $20.00 – parking privileges revoked. **Possibility of loss of all parking privileges. Parking reinstated with signed ticket by student and parent and paid fee. 3rd offense: Parking Violation fee $up to $50.00 – parking privileges revoked, administration assigned service hours. *Possibility of loss of all parking privileges. Parking reinstated with completion of service hours and paid fee. 

4th offense: Loss of all parking privileges for the reminder of the school year. 

Hopefully the passes will bring some good change to the parking problem we have at the school without causing too many problems for students. If you still haven’t gotten a pass, they are available in the office at any time!