Happy Holiday

Hello, are you exited for a spooky month? Yummy hot coca and a spooky movie or walking around at night getting free candy from strangers that live in town, or just partying the night away with friends and maybe family. Halloween can be spent very differently, maybe you are a scrooge when it comes to Halloween. Who knows.

Some of my friends would would just listen to music all night. You should prep a costume for tricks and treats but October in general is a cold month so make sure you don’t catch a cold. The leafs are falling so that you can make a leaf pile or just sit outside and look at the stars with a cup of coca.

Sadly some people cant celebrate Halloween because of work or because of being grounded, so they would trick or treat the next day and that throws people off.

eliza powers

This is Eliza powers, she is an artistic person, you can see her doodling in class. Her favorite way to spend her time other than doodling, is playing video games. She loves to cook and spend time with her pets, three cats and two dogs. She is a nice person but even she gets sad like every one else, she also likes to do arts and crafts