Juab’s Art Club Kick Off Was a Colorful Success

Art club’s first meeting of the 2022-23 school year was a blast.

Juab High had its first meeting on Wednesday, September 14th. It was held in the art room, Mrs.Carter’s room, after school. As students arrived they put their name and info on the signed up sheet then picked out a seat. 

    After an introduction from Mrs.Carter and the Art club President, Vashti Coray, the new members took a vote for the art club officers. The results are Brianna Waller as Vice president, Honor Dye as Secretary, Enoch Dye as Activities manager, and Jaylee Christensen as photographer.

     After that students sat in a circle around the room for a game. Blank papers were passed out to everyone. Vashti explained the rules of the game; Students started by writing their names on their papers. Then, they had 30 seconds to draw anything they wanted. After those 30 seconds their papers were passed clockwise to another person. For the next 30 second kids continued the drawing on the new paper in front of them before passing and repeating the pattern. 

    This sketching game continued until everyone got their original paper back. The sketches circling around evoked a ton of laughter and bewilder comments as it went on. The final products ranged from pretty, to weird, to crazy. Everyone there enjoyed it.

     Sign up sheets for future activities, such as face painting and window painting, were set out on the tables for eager kids to volunteer. The fun activities came to an end with cookies, pringles, and punch being severed. Students happily ate, chatted with friends, and filed out.