Juab Library Winning our Hearts 

Comparing us to a Summers Day

Can you feel the love in the air? Juab High School’s one and only Mrs. Gilbert, the librarian, has created a festive atmosphere with fun activities and cute décor to motivate students to enjoy the cozy environment of the library. With engaging games and activities in this quiet setting, students are invited to express themselves, explore their hobbies, and find enticing stories that reflect their own personalities. One of the latest activities is themed around the upcoming holiday, Valentine’s Day.

Whether you despise the love-struck, mushy-gushy holiday, or you enjoy the sweetness in the air, all students are invited to join in the “Hanging Hearts” activity. As you pass by, take a moment to read the sentences on each heart. The goal is to guess which ones are song lyrics and which are poems from creative writers. Songs and poems are similar in many ways, but the key difference is that one is sung with emotion-filled vocals and heart-pounding tunes, while the other lets the reader enjoy the rhythm, either aloud or in their head. Enjoy the sweet words about love, loss, and longing, and try to figure out whether it’s Taylor Swift or William Shakespeare behind the words.

Another activity in the works—no pun intended—is Valentine’s card making. Pick a poem and create a card inspired by its sweet words. If you’d rather not deliver the card, you can always leave it for someone else to enjoy. With Sweethearts just around the corner, now’s the perfect time to plan how to ask someone out. With roses being sold during lunch and posters being made, a cute, personalized card could be the perfect finishing touch to really get into the spirit of the holiday.

Whether your date compares you to a summer’s day, or channels Pablo Neruda and expresses his love for your feet, Valentine’s Day is a fun opportunity to enjoy the company of others. Flirtatious friends and love-struck couples alike can enjoy the sweet holiday by laughing over funny lyrics or making adorable cards. Visit the library sometime this week to soak in the sweet atmosphere and loving aura. And don’t worry—you won’t lose points for making a cute card!