Back to School Feelings
We are halfway through this school year and are back from winter break. Many people took winter break to relax and prepare for the second semester, while others described the break as “feeling like graduation” or said, “the rest of the school year is just surviving.”
Personally, I did many things over winter break. I hung out with my friends, went ice skating, went shopping, had a great Christmas and New Year’s, and did many other things. I also slept in on many days and went to bed later than usual. The hardest part for me is switching back to school. Waking up during the first week felt really hard, and getting enough sleep was a challenge. I was also sad that I couldn’t decide what I wanted to do each day because of school and practice, but I was still excited to come back to school and see my friends who I hadn’t seen over the break. And even though I didn’t have all day to do what I wanted, I was happy to return to my practice.
Not everyone was feeling the same way I did. I interviewed different people from our school after the break, each with different feelings, starting with a student named Atti Nielson. Her feelings about coming back to school were negative, which you can recognize from sentences like these: “I wish the break was longer” and “I didn’t want to wake up for school.”
Students’ feelings differed from Atti’s and mine. The next student, Jennalyn Webb, had mostly positive feelings about returning to school. “I wanted to see my friends again!” and “It was nice to get my routines back,” she described.
Even though I asked many people for their opinions, I wanted to include one more student’s interview. Kael Blackett described coming back to school with these words: “I was excited to go back to Samuelson’s class, but the hardest part was waking up so early.”
All the students had different feelings, from negative to positive, but one thing that everyone agreed on was that waking up early was the hardest part. However, seeing friends was the thing everyone was most excited about.