A Juab Christmas
Here at Juab, we all celebrate in our own ways. When does Juab celebrate Christmas? 53% celebrate after Thanksgiving, 23.5% celebrate after Halloween, 17.6% celebrate after November, and 5.9% celebrate right before Thanksgiving. What is Juab’s favorite holiday tradition? 17.6% says sleeping, 11.8% says: looking at Christmas lights, playing family games, and decorating the tree. 5.9% enjoys hot chocolate after the snow, doing a nativity, watching Christmas movies, sledding, getting a crazy Christmas tree, making cookies, and one says all of the above. Juab’s favorite holiday treats are 29.4% eggnog, 17.6% funeral potatoes, 17.6% hot chocolate, and 5.9% say apple cider, pie, chocolate, wassle, and brownies. Juab’s favorite Christmas colors in order: green, red, gold, white, silver and blue; purple, black, and then grey and brown. Where does Juab want to celebrate Christmas? 3 people say New York, 3 people say home, and then we have “Da Moon”, Italy, Hawaii, London, Grandparent’s homes, the Bahamas, Washington, and Yellowstone.