Club Rush Reveals Opportunities to Upcoming Juab Freshmen

The future looks bright for next school year’s incoming freshman. In order to include them in school activities, Juab has held a Club Rush for them to discover what clubs and sports are available to them. On May 16, club and team representatives sat up tables for their respective clubs in the High School gymnasium. 

    From Art club to band to any kind of sport, different representation tables lined the gym. At 2:15 the 8th graders started pouring into the gym. The tables with the biggest draw were the ones with treats and give always. The gaming club blew the rest of the tables out of the water, with amazing decoration and shining lights. Still there were plenty of other great tables that drew kid’s interest. 

     Throughout the period students had a chance to see everything. As the event ended, next year’s freshmen were able to walk out with a good grasp of what Juab High School has to offer them.