Oscar Night Brings Out Juab’s Hidden Stars

Oscar night is the one night a year where Juab High students get to dress up and have the reality of actually being at the Oscar’s. On April 17, Oscar night was held in the little theater where the students watched short films made by students. The movies ranged from a baking show to a game of real life Clue. Students also dress fancy in prom like dresses and nice suits to come view these student made films.

Awards were given out after the viewing of the movies. These awards are best film, best actor, best actress, and best dressed at Oscar night. All of the students who went voted for their favorite films. The winners of these awards were announced:

  • Best film went to Juab Five-O. This movie was created by Brock Richards, Roxy Richards, Gabe Settle, and Eden Hall.
  • The best actor and actress  was awarded to Thomas Henry and Averee Miller.
  • The Oscar night best dress was a tie awarded to Brock Richards and Mason Ekins.

All of the films were entertaining to say the least, we hope this tradition lives on!