Juab Students Need to Beware of the Weather

As you may have noticed it has snowed, IN APRIL. Some students have enjoyed it. However, those kids are crazy. It should not snow in April! This is illegal. This is a violation of the seasons. 

      Why is Mother Nature doing this to us? Is she okay? Is she letting her cat control the weather? Does she have a grudge against us? How can we predict the weather like this? The truth is that we can’t fully predict what Mother Nature is going to do.

      We need to be prepared for anything. Any type of weather can happen at any time. All Juab students must prepare themselves to the fullest. We have to think ahead and analyze the weather forecast with our utmost attention. 

       Has it been sunny? Well, you are in Utah so you might as well bring your umbrella anyways. Has it been snowing? Grab your sunglasses. You will probably need them. Don’t put away your winter clothes just yet. As a Juab resident, you might as well keep all seasonal gear in your reach. Juab never knows what weather it will wake up to in the morning.