Juab, It’s Time to Reach For Your Dreams

On January 17 our country will take the day to remember Martin Luther King Jr Day. We celebrate this day to not only remember Martin Luther King Jr but the movement he led. The movement that he elevated with his dream.

       Dreams are important. People might say that dreams are useless. It is true that mindless dreaming isn’t worth it. However, the world around you is driven by dreams: dreams to gain, dreams to give, dreams to create, dreams grow. If you make your dream into a reality your reality becomes more of a dream.

       Dreams are made real by goals. Build your stairs to the stars. Even if your goals are small, if they move you in the right direction then at least you are headed down the right path. Your dream can create a happy future, so don’t be lazy, and reach for your dream.

“I have a dream.” – Martin Luther King Jr.