FFA Opening Social

Every school year, our Mt.Nebo FFA chapter holds an opening social to welcome and invite people into FFA. 

          This year’s opening social was a blast. Held on September 8th, It started at 7:00 pm on the lawn in between the Junior High and vocational building. Mr. Burton started things by welcoming everyone. He announced the upcoming competitions and passed around sign up sheets. 

           This year’s Mt.Nebo FFA officers then introduced themselves to the group. Karter Peters explained the all games and activities.

          In one corner, there were cow dummies set up for roping. Stick horse barrel and pole racing was set up on the lawn. In both games people compete for the fastest time by running a pattern through the barrels or poles with a stick horse.

           The evening was filled with fun competition, happy conversations, and playful goofing off. Loud country music played all night as groups talked and laughed when the pole racers slipped. Occasionally, a pop song came on to give hope to all the country music haters.

            With the sun setting, It all came to a close with refreshments. Water and a variety of pop was set out and chips and fresh queso was served. Friends send goodbye, FFA officers cleaned up and the social came to a close.

This year our FFA chapter would like to welcome everyone to join us for our coming act