The Origins of the Clarion

Stephen Belknap

Clarion is an interesting name, especially for a newspaper. Maybe you were expecting School Times, or Juab Jubilee, but there is a significance behind The Clarion. And we here at the Journalism team are proud to present it!

The Clarion first appeared on December 2, 1891, and was founded by Rober Blatchford. “Blatchford announced that the newspaper would follow a “policy of humanity; a policy not of party, sect or creed; but of justice, of reason and mercy.”” According to Krystle Bassett, a former Clarion adviser at the district office, “The N.H.S. Clarion existed in 1926. It was called such for Nephi High School Clarion, although other instances refer to it as the “Newsy Humorous Spicy.” It was largely satire and inside jokes at that point. That is the earliest edition we own in our archives. By 1955, it was referred to as the Juab High School Clarion.

1973 shows it as the J.H.S. Clarion.

1990 The Clarion.”

The last publication of the newspaper was on May 22, 2013.

“A Clarion call is a call to something that is hard to ignore”, and our call here at JHS is to publish the amazing things that happen. The achievements of our students and staff that show grit, hard work, merit, and academic excellence are impressive, and we shouldn’t ignore that. Students should be recognized for these achievements. 

That is the purpose of The Clarion, so we are glad to re-create an independent newspaper that is wholly dedicated to our students and faculty. A newspaper that is focused on showcasing the brilliant talents, and the higher level of accomplishments at our school.

So, without further ado, we are pleased to present, The Juab High School Clarion!!