Drama Behind the Mask
Rylee Crum
The CoronaVirus has impacted the way we live our daily lives. These past six months have been a learning experience for the entire world. Through numerous amounts of research and studies, we have been able to adjust how we live daily. We have been able to return back to school under certain limitations to keep us all safe. As a school we have come together to practice social distance and safe ways to make the best out of this school year.
The virus has also severely affected the way clubs, sports, and activities are run. For example, the drama department is planning on continuing to do the fall musical this year. When the department finally got the “Ok” from administration, they had to come together and come up with a plan to keep the cast safe. This year the fall musical is “Cinderella”. It will be interesting to see how they will pull off another amazing show. With Auditions already past, the cast of “Cinderella” is cautiously preparing to pull off a magical and fun show.
Different members of the cast have different opinions and feelings about the new restrictions for the show. Chandler Ludlow, 10th grade, says he is “kind of annoyed because we all can’t be there at once and socialize with each other.” He’s right- one of the most fun things about participating in musicals is to be able to socialize and bond with peers who share the same passion and interest in drama.
Kloey Sessions, 11th grade, also isn’t in love with masks, but like her cast mate, she is willing to wear them. “Of course I was a little hesitant about it but I think everyone was.” She says. “I don’t think anyone is excited about wearing masks and social distancing but if it means I get to participate in the fall musical I’m for it!”
We are looking forward to another amazing show put on by the Juab High School Drama Department and can’t wait to see how the show will turn out. There is no doubt that this year’s musical will be yet another success for the drama department!